

助力抗击疫情 北大考试研究院与MIT合作推出STEM课程


新冠肺炎疫情肆虐,“停课不停学,居家上网课”成为教师教学和学生学习的主要方式。日前,麻省理工学院(MITBLOSSOMS项目(MIT BLOSSOMS)与北京大学考试研究院达成合作,为疫情期间居家学习的中国高中生免费推出32门中文版STEM视频互动课程。课程通过微信平台传播,学生可使用移动端随时随地学习。

此项名为“PKU-MIT BLOSSOMS Lesson Sharingfor High School Students”的合作由北京大学教育学院研究员、北京大学考试研究院院长秦春华与麻省理工学院数据、系统与社会研究所教授、MIT BLOSSOMS项目首席研究员RichardC. Larson教授共同促成,为中国抗击新冠疫情做出贡献。该项目合作消息(MIT BLOSSOMS and Peking University Team up to Offer STEM Education to At-Home Students )已于3月10日在MIT Open Learning News发布,引起关注。  `

Larson教授在给中国学生的信中说,MIT BLOSSOMS项目起源于中国,对中国有着特殊的感情,心系着中国的学生和老师。中国正在经历一个倍感压力的时期,许多学生待在家里无法去学校,MIT BLOSSOMS非常荣幸能够尽绵薄之力帮助同学们在家继续学习。“全世界人民与你们同在,并会帮助你们尽快回到正常生活。愿你们早日度过难关!” Larson教授说。

MIT BLOSSOMS是美国麻省理工学院(MIT)开发创作的网络公开课程,旨在通过视频课程与课堂老师的互动教学,培养高中生在科学、数学、工程学等方面(STEM)的兴趣和跨学科研究能力。课程主题和内容聚焦于自然科学,通过各种发生于真实场景中的奇怪问题挑战学生的批判性思维。例如:“蚊子为何在雨中飞翔?”“冰立方会在淡水或盐水中融化得更快吗?”“散步、送信:图论概论”等等。

据了解,中国是MIT BLOSSOMS项目十个合作国家之一。该项目与北京大学、清华大学等学术机构多年来保持密切合作。在此次合作中,视频课程首度登陆中国网站,学生进入“北京大学AC课程”知识店铺(https://appk0jZGF6Y3008.h5.xiaoeknow.com)即可进入MIT课程专栏观看学习。


附:Richard Larson教授给中国学生的一封信

    MIT BLOSSOMS 是美国麻省理工学院(MIT)开发创作的网络公开课程,旨在通过视频课程与课堂老师的互动教学,培养高中生在科学、数学、工程学等方面(STEM)的兴趣,提高学生的批判性思维和跨学科研究能力。2004年,MIT BLOSSOMS项目缘起中国宁夏,从一所公立中学的课堂得到灵感,一系列丰富有趣的启发性课程应运而生。

2020年,在抗击新冠疫情的战役里,MIT BLOSSOMS与武汉、与中国人民站在一起。MIT BLOSSOMS与北京大学考试研究院携手在中国开设专门网页通道——“PKU-MIT BLOSSOMS Lesson Sharing for High School Students”,向中国近四千万高中生免费提供BLOSSOMS中文视频课程和部分英文课程,帮助中国高中实现停课不停学,为抗击疫情贡献力量。



Hello Students in China!


Greetings from MIT_BLOSSOMS, based in Cambridge, Massachusetts USA, at MIT, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The BLOSSOMS collection contains over 200 lessons in math, science and engineering for high school students.  https://blossoms.mit.edu  These lessons are quite different from usual textbook lessons, as they will challenge your critical thinking skills.


The lessons are interactive.  You look at a video for a few minutes, and the video teacher then challenges you with a question, a puzzle, a situation that requires your attention, your best thoughts.  You turn off the video and then work on the challenge.  Once you are finished, you then restart the video and get to a second challenge.  It continues this way for an entire lesson.


You should know that the idea of BLOSSOMS started in China.  In the year 2004, MIT’s Elizabeth Murray and I were visiting a small public school in Ningxia, in North-Central China.  We watched how the teachers there used videotaped lectures from Shanghai and Beijing to teach their classes, interrupting the video lecture from time to time to challenge the class to a thought exercise.  Our new idea:  Why not pre-design the educational videos to be interrupted?  Focus on active learning, away from lectures.  The idea of BLOSSOMS was born!  In China, in year 2004. 


So, we at MIT BLOSSOMS have always had a special place in our hearts for China, its students and teachers. We are happy to report that China is one of 10 country partners of BLOSSOMS.  Several of the BLOSSOMS lessons were recorded in China, in Chongqing.


At this stressful time in China when many of you are not at school but are at home, MIT BLOSSOMS is honored to play a small role in helping your continued study and learning.  Through a collaboration with Dr. Chunhua Qin and his supportive colleagues at Peking University, BLOSSOMS lessons available in the Mandarin language are now placed in a special China-based web site for your use, any time day or night.  We hope you enjoy and are challenged by one or more BLOSSOMS lessons. 


Once you have tried a BLOSSOMS lesson, please email me at rclarson@mit.edu and I will write back with a new BLOSSOMS-type challenge for you!  The entire World is your partner in trying to help you all get back to your normal lives.  May that happen very soon!


Have fun with BLOSSOMS and wishing you all the Best of Good Luck!


Dick Larson, Principal Investigator, MIT_BLOSSOMS

Professor, Institute for Data, Systems, and Society

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Cambridge, Massachusetts USA  





我代表MIT BLOSSOMS项目组从美国坎布里奇市的麻省理工学院为大家带来诚挚的问候。BLOSSOMS系列视频为高中生提供超过200门的数学、自然和工程类课程(https://blossoms.mit.edu ) 。不断挑战学生的批判性思维,这是BLOSSOMS课程与基于教材的普通课程最大的不同之处。



因此MIT BLOSSOMS项目组对中国有着特殊的感情,心系着中国的学生和老师。我们十分开心地告诉大家,中国是BLOSSOMS项目十个合作国家之一,有一些视频课程就是在重庆录制的。

中国正在经历一个倍感压力的时期,你们中的很多人都待在家里无法去学校,MIT BLOSSOMS非常荣幸能够尽绵薄之力帮助你们在家继续学习。在北京大学的秦春华博士以及他的同事们的帮助下,BLOSSOMS中文视频课程在专门的中国网站上线,供你们随时随地学习使用。希望你们喜欢BLOSSOMS课程带来的挑战。





Dick Larson, 首席研究员,MIT_BLOSSOMS


