

北大教育学院讲座| 朱琼:The Impact of No-loan Policies on Student Economic Diversity at Public Colleges and Universities






摘要:To improve college access for low-income students, an increasing number of U.S. public colleges and universities have implemented no-loan policies, where student loans are replaced with institutional grant aid that do not require repayment. Using detailed income measures provided by the Mobility Report Card data, this study examines the effect of no-loan policies on student economic diversity at U.S. public 4-year institutions. Using a difference-in-differences design and the synthetic control method, we found that the adoption of no-loan policies at public institutions increased enrollment shares of low-income students (bottom two family income quintiles). However, the increase is minimal for students from the lowest income quintile, particularly at the most selective institutions. Our findings suggest that although no-loan policies may help improve affordability at public colleges and universities, further efforts are needed to address underrepresentation of students from the lowest part of the income distribution.

主讲人简介:朱琼,美国密歇根州立大学EducationPolicyInnovationCollaborative博士后研究员。2019年获得美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学教育政策系哲学博士,此前分别获得北京大学经济学学士学位和管理学硕士学位。主要研究方向包括:教育经济学、教育财政和教育政策评估,关注教育机会公平、学生流动、高等教育与区域社会经济发展等议题。她的研究在EducationFinance and Policy、Educational Researcher、Researchin Higher Education等杂志上发表。



