

Global Challenges and Local Solutions: Education for the 21st Century

  Prof. Jane Edwards  (Associate Dean for International Affairs, Yale University) 

  All over the world universities and whole educational systems are striving to respond to the impact of globalization. This has a profound effect on the way in which our institutions are thinking about the education that our young people need, and on our research agendas. As mobility increases, and as we use the new communications technologies to talk and to work across borders we must consider how best to prepare our students, through providing opportunities for education abroad and for reflection and study at home, for lives that will offer unprecedented new opportunities. Are there lessons to be learned from American experience in initiatives of this kind? How can Chinese and American universities use their resources effectively to meet this challenge?  And how can what is useful in the American model be used without sacrificing the virtues found in other education systems? 

  Prior to taking up the new position of Associate Dean for International Affairs at Yale in August 2006, Jane Edwards served for three years as Director of International Studies at Harvard, where she initiated an ambitious program of international experience for undergraduates. Before this she served in a similar position at Wesleyan University, where she also ran a program in the less commonly taught languages, and taught for the department of Romance Languages. She has holds a B.A and an M.A from Cambridge University, and came to the United States to pursue a Ph.D. at the University of Pennsylvania. Co-author with Humphrey Tonkin of “The World in the Curriculum” she publishes and presents on a wide range of topics in international education. She has held national office in several professional organizations in international education, and currently serves on the Board of World Learning, and chairs the Council on International Education’s Academic Consortium Board.  She is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Studies in International Education. She has taught throughout her career, primarily in Latin American Studies, gender studies, and cultural anthropology. 

  Date:Sept. 17th, 2007, pm 2:00-4:00  Venue:Room No.2, Yingjie Overseas Exchange Center 


  北大-耶鲁系列讲座之七  北大教育论坛  全球挑战与本土解决:21世纪的教育 

  Jane Edwards  教授  (耶鲁大学本科学院 副院长) 


  Jane Edwards(简·爱德华)教授,耶鲁大学本科学院副院长,主管国际事务。2006年8月前,她在哈佛大学担任过三年国际项目主任,为本科生拥有海外经验发起了一项宏伟的计划。此前,Edwards在卫斯理大学担任了类似的工作。她在英国剑桥大学获得本科和硕士学位,之后在美国宾夕法尼亚大学获得哲学博士学位。她与Humphrey Tonkin合著了《课程中的世界》一书,在国际教育领域著述颇丰。Edwards教授曾供职于国际教育领域的几个专业组织,目前在世界学习委员会任职,并主持国际教育学术财团委员会。担任《国际教育研究》杂志编委。一直担任教学工作,课程领域包括拉丁美研究、性别研究、文化人类学。  时间:2007年9月17日(周一)下午2:00-4:00  地点:北京大学英杰交流中心第二会议室 

  工作语言:英语  主持人:马万华 教授
