

Higher Education in England: Current Issues in Teaching and Research

  Dr. Hubert Ertl 

  (Lecturer in Higher Education, Department of Education, University of Oxford) 

  This presentation provides a broad overview of the discussion about teaching and research at English universities. It briefly outlines the changing patterns of higher education (HE) in England in terms of the institutional set-up of the sector, the student body, degree structures and expenditure. The presentation discusses processes of change in HE in four main areas: funding, internationalisation, vocationalisation and quality assurance. This discussion is embedded within the discourse on the dynamics of the ongoing expansion of HE in England. The presentation concludes with an overview of how the complexities of the discourse on HE are mirrored in a Masters programme offered by the Department of Education at the University of Oxford. 

  Dr. Hubert Ertl is Lecturer in Higher Education at the Department of Education, University of Oxford. He directs the Department of Education’s MSc in Higher Education (see http://www.edstud.ox.ac.uk/masters/HigherEducation ), convenes the Higher Education and Professional Learning Research Group, and is involved in a number of research projects. He is Fellow of Linacre College, Oxford, and chairs the College’s Computing Committee. He is member of the Editorial Board of Research in Comparative and International Education and is referee/reviewer for a number of international journals. He is also reviewer of ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council) research reports. His research interests include international aspects of higher education, vocational education and training, EU educational policies, the transfer processes between education and training and the world of work, and widening participation in higher education. 



  [Hubert Ertl博士,英国牛津大学教育系高等教育硕士项目主任,高等教育与职业教育研究组召集人,高等教育方向博士生导师。研究兴趣包括高等教育的国际问题、职业教育和培训、欧盟教育政策、教育培训与工作间的转变以及高等教育扩展。本次演讲主要介绍目前英国高等教育中教学与研究的现状及热点问题,并将着重讨论在扩展(“广泛参与”)背景下的英国高等教育在财政、国际化、职业化和质量保证等方面的变革。]
