

Seminar: Wage compensation for risk in human capital investment

  荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学经济学院前院长Joop Hartog教授8月29日来北大做为期一个多月的访学。他在教育经济学领域做过很多研究,是教育经济学国际百科全书“筛选模式和教育”一文的作者之一。 这次访学他将举办一个semina.  题目:"Wage compensation for risk in human capital investment"    时间: 9月7日和9月14日下午6:30  地点:电教207 

  摘要如下:  Investing in schooling does not lead to a known and fixed wage are after graduation, but rather gives access to a distribution of wages. We consider the dispersion in these distributions as indicators of risk. We find that graduate wages compensate for risk (variance) and the distribution has more skew. This is line with risk attitudes,as individuals generally dislike risk but appreciate skew. 

